How to Build an Extraction Model with Promptrepo?

Extraction models identify and extract structured information from raw text. In this tutorial, we’ll build a model that extracts ingredients and nutritional values from food descriptions.

Step 1: Preparing Training Data

For extraction, our dataset consists of:

  1. Nutrition per serving: The nutritional values per serving

  2. Web page content: The contents of the web page

  3. Web page title: Title of the page

  4. Ingredients: The extracted list of ingredients

  5. Nutritional category: Categories such as beverage, red meat, etc

  6. Serving size (grams or mL): The food amount per serving

Step 2: Uploading Data to Promptrepo

  1. Open Google Sheets and add or import the training dataset

  2. Click Extensions > Promptrepo > Train AI

  3. Promptrepo sidebar widget will be displayed

  4. Enter the AI model name and click Next

  5. Select Web page title & Web page content as input columns and click Next

  6. Choose all other columns as output columns and click Next

Step 3: Training & Testing the Model

  1. Click Publish and let Promptrepo fine tune the extraction model

  2. Once trained, test the model by inputting a food name and its description

  3. The model should extract structured data (ingredients & nutrition) from the text

Extraction models enable AI to understand and process textual data. Now, let’s move on to generative models to create new data based on learned patterns.

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